Splish, Splash, Splosh into Spring!

Splish, Splash, Splosh into Spring!

It’s no secret that children love the splish, splash and splosh of water; this type of sensory play is fundamental for the development of children.

Water allows children to measure, manipulate and recreate endless experiments building up creative development, problem solving and reasoning abilities. What looks like a mess on the surface is truly a magical learning experience for a child, so let them get outside and make a mess!

water collage
Imagine putting your hands into cool water on a warm spring day and feeling it drip off the ends of your fingers, the heavy feel of a container full of sloshing water or the splash of water on your skin.

Water play can promote children’s physical, mental (cognitive), and social-emotional growth. In sensory play there is no right or wrong way to play. When children pour water, they are improving their physical development and eye-hand coordination. Playing with others splashing, washing or tipping they develop social, language and communication skills, learning new words such as funnel, surface, float, and strain. Children can learn concepts such as empty and full, before and after, shallow and deep, heavy and light or floating and sinking by experimenting and building up their knowledge and understanding of their world.

Adding water to sand or vice versa deepens the tactile experience as children can play with wet and dry sand or see how sand behaves in water.

To get the most out of water and to find out more about Playgarden call us on 0114 282 1285.