A One Day Course With Jan White at Playgarden

Jan White at Playgarden – This one day course is intended to help practitioners develop their knowledge and practice to better support children´s all-round physical development.

Course with Jan White at PlaygardenYoung children need active lives from birth. We increasingly understand how the body and brain develop together, reinforcing the importance of putting physical development at the heart of early childhood education. Concerns about lifestyles, health and childhood obesity have also put the spotlight on this vital issue, as have the growing number of 2 year olds entitled to receive the early education entitlement.

The course is being run at the following venues from 9.30am until 3.30pm

16th April, 2016 — Nell Gwynn Nursery School, Southwark, London
14th May, 2016 — St Michael´s, Bartley Green, Birmingham

The course will give delegates;

• A deeper understanding of the role of movement and physicality in children´s lives, wellbeing, health, development and learning
• Awareness of critical movement experiences and how to support them through outdoor provision and practice
• A strong commitment to increasing movement and physicality in all aspects of care/education, and in children´s home lives
• Inspiring starting points towards providing a movement-filled outdoor environment and implementing curriculum requirements

All this for only £49 per delegate

To book your place simply contact Playgarden on 0114 2821285 or email info@playgardens.co.uk

For event enquiries contact Lindsay Clifton on lindsay@playgardens.co.uk

Jan White at PlaygardenAbout Jan White
With thirty years experience of working in education, Jan has developed a deep commitment to the consistently powerful effect of the outdoors on young children. Having played key roles in developing Learning through Landscape´s support for the early years sector and Early Excellence´s Stepped Approach to Quality Outdoors, she currently an Early Education founding associate, pedagogical adviser for PlayGarden and mentor to Sandfield Natural Play Centre.

Working across the UK and internationally, Jan is a leading thinker and writer on outdoor provision and advocate for high quality outdoor provision for services for children from birth to seven.  With thirty years´ experience in education, she is an Early Education Associate, adviser for several landscape and equipment companies, sits on the International Advisory Group of the World Forum on Early Education and Care, and teaches on the Masters programme at CREC (Birmingham City University).  She provides training courses, conference keynotes and consultancy for a wide range of early years settings.

Jan is award-winning author of Playing and Learning Outdoors: making provision for high quality experiences in the outdoor environment with children 3-7 (Routledge, 2nd edition 2014), Making a Mud Kitchen (Muddy Faces, 2012) and Every Child a Mover (Early Education, 2015), editor of Outdoor Provision in the Early Years (Sage, 2011), and collaborated with Siren Films to make the award-winning training DVDs Babies Outdoors, Toddlers Outdoors and Two Year-olds Outdoors (Siren Films, 2011).