Playgarden loves pond life!
Ponds can sustain a healthy variety of wildlife all year round, making them ideal for pond dipping and wildlife observations.
Once installed it doesn’t take too long before a pond becomes a haven for insects and wildlife. After just a few days Pond Skaters will arrive, walking on the water surface. Back-swimmers and Water Boatmen are amusing little insects that look as if they are rowing upside down in the water! Before long Water Beetles and red Water Mites will be swimming around. Early spring will see the arrival or toads and frogs, serenading each other with their mating calls which will result in frog spawn and tiny tadpoles. Summer will see the arrival of Dragonflies, Damselflies and Mayflies. Your pond will become a haven for amazing Pond Life.
• Wildlife ponds
• Bogs
• Wetland meadow edge planting
• Bog planting
• Pond covers – various shapes and sizes
• Pond dipping platform