‘Only as high as I can reach can I grow, only as far as I can seek can I go, only as deep as I can look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be’
– (Karen Revn)
Our range of Play Trails have been designed to encourage physical activity in a playful environment. We cater for all ages and abilities of children, whether you’re a nursery, primary, SEN or secondary school we have something to test strength, balance and co-ordination.
We encourage our customers to think beyond the traditional ‘trim trail’ with its linear shape and its regular features that quite quickly fall out of favour with children as they become bored with its limited risk and low play value. For example, our Sound Cushions produce different musical notes whilst children jump from cushion to cushion or the use of boulders with their irregular shape and size can be used to challenge to clamber over or jump from.