Forest School Day – Win Mini Beast Activity Sets!!

Forest School Day – Win Mini Beast Activity Sets!!

Forest School Day captures the wild wonders of outdoor learning


October 14th 2022, marked the 4th year of Forest School Day. With each passing year its popularity is celebrated both in school and beyond with nature-based activities.

Forest School is a unique way of promoting learning in children. It focuses on creating a positive learning environment, tailored to suit a child’s needs, and learning styles that maximise the emotional, social and developmental benefits of education that helps children build positive values about themselves, their learning and the environment.

Time is given to explore their thoughts, feelings and relationships and they are encouraged to understand, appreciate and care for the natural environment. Forest School provides opportunities to take risks, make choices, find new ways of working, initiate learning, develop practical skills and become confident and capable people.

Dr Mike Richardson and his colleagues discovered that although visiting nature once a week (contact) provides general health benefits it is ‘nature connectedness’ that is associated with eudemonic wellbeing (a sense that one’s life has meaning and is worthwhile). Nature Connection helps people to feel self-worth and find their purpose, aims also shared with the Forest School philosophy.

                               Forest School - Group of Children      Forest School - Cheedale Stepping Stones      Forest School - Forest Den

Key experiences in Forest School
> Being fully immersed in nature.
> Observing changes and rhythms in nature, seasons, sound & weather.
> Enhancing physical ability through challenging surroundings, for example climbing over obstructions, uneven terrain, tree climbing etc.
> Being exposed to natural elements, promoting resilience, stamina and understanding of our own personal needs.
> Getting close to nature, gaining understanding of life cycles, habitat species of animals, plants & trees.
> Providing space to explore and encourage imaginative play, enhancing language and social skills.
> Developing a community of respect, for the environment, the world and each other.
> Providing opportunities to practice new skills, such as using tools, manipulating natural materials and developing life skills that they continue to grow and enhance throughout childhood
> Providing ‘risk’ play, giving children the opportunity to assess their own earning & experiences.

Forest School Activities for Autumn
> Scavenger hunt for leaves, acorns, chestnuts & berrys.
> Feed the senses. Autumn has its own unique sounds, crunchy leaves, splashing puddles, smell the cooling air as summer subsides and autumnal fires are lit. Observe the changing colours of the season or the density of the foliage after a brisk autumn wind.
> Collect Acorns and Conkers, string together and create counting beads.
> Identify trees by the leaves that fall from their branches.

To celebrate Forest School in Autumn, Playgarden are giving away 10 sets of mini beast activity sets. These exciting sets contain 10 wooden discs to help you identify A Butterfly, Caterpillar, Spider, Ladybird, Bee, Snail, Beetle, Worm, Grasshopper and Ant. To win simply email with your name & the schools name to and title your email Mini Beast Competition. Entries close on 16th Dec 22.

If you are looking to develop your Forest School area then please give us a call on 0114 282 1285 or email us at